Jessica Schilder: “This is abnormal, I don’t have words for this. My first throw was quite nice (laughs). I then thought that mentallythe competition would take a long time. You just want to know the result. I didn’t know yet that with all my throwsI would have won the gold.Before I threw the 20.69, my trainer gave me a mental boost. He said what I had to do. For 99% it is my trainerwho keeps me calm. I really have respect for that man. I don’t know how he manages to keep me calm, but hejokes around a lot.It is great to have gold. Especially to throw 19.92 in the qualification, and then being able to throw even further. Iwas happy with the 19.97 (first throw), but really wanted to throw further.At the national championships I already wanted to throw a (Dutch) national record. That I do it now makes it evenmore beautiful.It was a great evening (for the Dutch medals). Wasn’t it international women’s day yesterday? (laughs).”
Jessica Schilder threw 20.69 to win the gold medal in the shot put with a margin of 1.13m in front of the home crowds. She produced the best result at the Euro Indoors since 1992.
Jakob Ingebrigtsen won third successive double (1500m & 3000m), and with 7 golden medals and 1 silver became the most successful male athlete in the history of Euro Indoors, overtaking Valeriy Borzov (7-0-0).
26-year old Samuel Chapple won his first global medal, outperformed favorite Eliott Crestan, and took the Euro Indoor title in a new national record (1:44.88), improving his overall lifetime best by 0.46sec.
MEDALS (23 countries)
NED 7-2-0; ITA 3-1-2; NOR 3-1-1; SUI 2-3-0; POL 2-1-1; UKR 2-0-0; FRA 1-3-4; GBR 1-3-3.
POINTS (30 countries)
NED 91.5; GBR 87; FRA 83; ITA 73.5; ESP 73; GER 57.5; SUI, POL, POR 45; CZE 41.
Yes (4): Ingebrigtsen (2x), Mahuchikh, NED women
No (10): Danismaz, Hurske, Joseph, Amels, Ceccarelli, Weir, BEL men, Guttormsen, Kambundji, Dongmo
NC (12): Muir, Tentoglou, Pichardo, Mayer, Warholm, Murto, Sawyers, Bol, Hodgkinson, Ben, Klein, Thiam
ER (2): 7.67 D.Kambundji, 6558 Skotheim
WL (10+1): 3:15.63 NED mix, 7.67 D.Kambundji, 17.43 Hess, 17.71 A.Díaz, 6558 Skotheim, 234 Doroshchuk, 4922 Vanninen, 7.01 Dosso, 20.69 Schilder, 3:24.34 NED women; indoor WL 6.49 Azu
EL (15+1): 3:15.63 NED mix, 14.37 Peleteiro, 7.67 D.Kambundji, 6.52 Azu, 17.43 Hess, 17.71 A.Díaz, 6558 Skotheim, 234 Doroshchuk, 6.49 Azu, 50.38 Klaver, 4922 Vanninen, 3:04.95 NED men, 7.01 Dosso, 20.69 Schilder, 3:24.34 NED women; equalled 7.03 Dosso
CR (4): 3:15.63 NED mix, 7.67 D.Kambundji, 6558 Skotheim, 3:24.34 NED women
AGENTS (individual titles)
2 – Aivar Karotamm, Marc Osenberg, Daniel Wessfeldt, Alfons Juck; 1 – René Auguin, Jeroen Bakker, Jelle Broekhuisen, Florian Clivaz, Vittorio Di Saverio, Loqman Fates, Valentina Fedjushina, Caroline Feith, Stale-Jan Froynes, Marcello Mangani, Marcin Rosengarten, Silvia Saliti, Janusz Schydlowski, Alberto Suarez, Peter Wolters, Tom Broadbent. No information on agent of pentathlon winner Vanninen.
Women’s SP: First title for NED.
Women’s 60m: Zaynab Dosso’s 7.01 is equalled third fastest time at Euro Indoors; best marks for places 2-4; first title for ITA, first medal for LUX.
Women’s HJ: Yaroslava Mahuchikh won third consecutive title; first medal for SRB.
Women’s 60m: Zaynab Dosso clocked 7.06, the fastest 1st round time at Euro Indoors, beating previous by Marlies Göhr (7.07, 1988).
Women’s 4x400m: Top 3 relay teams were faster than previous championships record by NED (3:25.66, 2023); best marks for places 1-5 (for places 2-4 also best mark overall); third title for NED, moving to second behind RUS.
Pentathlon: Best mark for place 4 (also best overall) at Euro Indoors; first medal for IRL.
Men’s PV: Best mark for place 3 and 4; first gold for GRE and NED.
Men’s 800m: Samuel Chapple’s 1:44.88 is the second fastest time at Euro Indoors; best marks for places 2 and 5.
Men’s 3000m: Jakob Ingebrigtsen won his fourth gold in this event and remains the most successful at Euro Indoors.
Men’s SP: 2cm between place 3-4 is equalled smallest difference at Euro Indoors; Tomáš Staněk won his fifth medal (1-2-2) and his 21.26 is the second longest qualification mark; first medal (and title) for ROU.
Men’s 4x400m: Second fastest marks for places 1-3, best marks for places 4-5.
APELDOORN (NED): The women’s national team of Netherlands, with Femke Bol as a finisher, crossed the line as first. They were later disqualified for obstruction at takeover, but finally were reinstated and confirmed as European Indoor champions.
APELDOORN (NED): National records from Sunday, for Belgium (60m, Rani Rosius 7.08), Czechia (60m, Karolína Maňasová 7.14 and 7.10, also U23ER; 4x400m women short track 3:25.31), Finland (pentathlon, Saga Vanninen 4922, also U23ER), France (4x400m men short track, 3:05.83; 4x400m women short track 3:25.80), Great Britain (4x400m women short track 3:24.89), Hungary (60m, Boglárka Takács 7.15 and 7.09), Ireland (pentathlon, Kate O’Connor 4781), Italy (60m, Zaynab Dosso 7.01), Luxembourg (60m, Patrizia van der Weken 7.06-2x), Netherlands (800m short track, Samuel Chapple 1:44.88; 4x400m women short track 3:24.34), Romania (SP indoor, Andrei Toader 21.27) and Spain (4×400 men short track, 3:05.18; 4x400m women short track 3:25.68).
APELDOORN (NED): Fourth heat of the women’s 60m showed not only the fastest 1st round time at Euro Indoors but also personal bests for 6 of 8 competitors.
APELDOORN (NED): According to the coach of fresh champion Jakub Szymański, the most difficult moment at Euro Indoors was the preliminaries with more than 30 rivals at the start. He has not yet finished the season. In a fortnight’ time he will be in the starting blocks again at the World Indoor Championships. And Szymański has set himself a clear goal – to beat the undefeated, the world record holder Grant Holloway. “I believe I can really put up a fight against him. I can handle the pressure. Holloway will be the leader at the world championships, the pressure will be on him, not me,” he said.
Alfonz Juck is a husband, father, statistician, announcer, journalist, organizer, agent usw, following track and field since 1972. EME NEWS is a news service relating to the sport of athletics. It is published on daily basis with additional updates, as required. Copyright is held by Alfons Juck, TOP ATHLETICS, a.s., Krikova 10, 82107 Bratislava, Slovakia. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The redistribution and/or direct reproduction of material from EME NEWS is prohibited unless permission is given by c TOP ATHLETICS (such as being included in a subscription agreement).
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