Do you go into a race with a race plan? The 1980 Olympic gold medalist at 800m, Steve Ovett, had a serious range. His PB at 200m was 22.6, and his PB at the half marathon was 1:05. In between, he had the 1,500m WR and mile WR at different times. Mr. Ovett said that he never went into a race with plans, as he would relax more if he let the race develop organically, and he could then take advantage of the situation.
Joe Waskom became first UW to win NCAA 1,500m since 1928! photo by Kevin Neri / SOJC Track Bureau
Your workout today, June 11, 2022, Saturday: warm-up, primary race distance or 3 miles, sprint straights, jog turns, cooldown
2022 RunBlogRun Spring Middle Distance Daily Track Training (800m-5000m), Week 22, Day 6
Monday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x 150m stride outs, cooldown
Tuesday: Warm-up, 30 minutes moderate running, 4 x 800m, 3,000m pace, jog 400m in between, 20-minute cooldown
Wednesday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes, moderate running, 6 x 150m stride outs, cooldown
Thursday: Warm-up, 30-minute easy run, 5000m, sprint straights, jog turns, 20-minute cooldown
Friday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x150m stride outs, cooldown
Saturday: warm-up, primary race distance or 3 miles, sprint straights, jog turns, cooldown
Sunday: 75-80 minutes moderate pace, on trails