RunBlogRun presents
Conversations with Larry:
Streaming Video, should it be free, paid, or mixed?
In the old days, if you put a camera up on a track, and filmed the races, you could get $9.95 because fans wanted to see meets that terrestrial TV had all but abandoned. Meets were of different levels of quality and the federations felt, if they put on a meeting, people would come.
Not so anymore.
Flotrack and Runnerspace provide content almost every day. It is mostly paid content, but a loyal fan base supports it. Peacock TV supports track and road racing so that real fans can pay $4.99 a month and enjoy better coverage that is seen, many times on NBC.
Allie Baker, Sound Running, Track meet, May 6, 2022, photo by Kevin Morris / @kevmofoto
Streaming video has freed our sport. Nike championed it with NXN meets and supported media such as my sites to post live coverage to our readers. World Athletics has posted meets, in areas with no commercial sponsor, via FB, Twitter and it is brilliant. Young fans love it.
Best streaming EVER? Still say Breaking two hours streaming from 2017 was excellent. Nike spent a reported $30 million on the streaming. The program was excellent, and I wanted it from my hotel in Doha, Qatar, speaking with 275,000 fans who were commenting on my comments on the program! And most of them were new to the sport!
YouTube has video clips each day, no way to keep up with them.
And podcasts!
Sound Running and MIles of Trials with Portlandia offered streaming for the price of a large super burrito or a coffee, and share that revenue with the athletes.
Now, I am sounding off on why the mixed approach makes sense and may save our sport.
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