Long runs are for Sundays.
In college, we juggled runs every 3 weeks. Eighteen miles one week, 20 miles the next, and 22 miles on the third week. Most of our Sunday runs were downhill in the first half, then the uphill grind for the second half.
The long hill grind helped build our strength and let us know we could handle a 5k or 10k on the roads or a 5000m or 10,000m on the track. Know that long runs are key to your development. But please, be patient. In high school no more than 70-90 minutes. Keep the runs at talking pace, telling jokes, and then, the quiet grind for the last 30-40 minutes.
Des Linden finishing a fast 5000m, photo by Kevin Morris / @kevmofoto
For your workout today, April 17, 2022, Sunday: 70-75 minutes moderate pace, on trails
2022 RunBlogRun Spring Middle Distance Daily Track Training (800m-5000m), Week 14, Day 7
Monday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
Tuesday: Warm-up, 12 x 200 meters hard, 100-meter jog, the pace is 1500m, 2 x 800m, 400m jog, at 1,500m pace, 20-minute cooldown,
Wednesday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes, moderate running, 6 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
Thursday: Warm-up, 4 x 600m, 400m jog between each, 3000m pace, 6 x 300m, at 1500m pace, 200m jog btw each, 4 x 150m, stride outs, 20 minute-cooldown
Friday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x100m stride outs, cooldown
Saturday: warm-up, 800m, 1,500m, 3000m, or 5000m, cool down
Sunday: 70-75 minutes moderate pace, on trails