Last night, in San Juan Capistrano, CA, the folks at Sound Running put on a special track meet featuring the 10,000 meters. The 25 lap race is the longest track race at major championships, but, there are only a few events that give the 10,000m the respect it deserves. The Sound running folks, the Payton Jordan Invitational, and Night of 10,000m PBs (held outside of London in May), are three key events.
Last night, Elise Cranny ran 30:14.66, just two seconds off the US record! Dominique Scott ran 31:00.00 for second in the elite women’s race.
In the men’s race, only feet separated Grant Fisher an Mo Ahmed , with Grant setting an AR in 26:33.84 and Mo running the Canadian Record of 26:34.14! Grant broke the American record of one Galen Rupp of 26:44.36.
Twenty-five laps is a challenging distance. I did my first as a senior in high school. It is a fascinating race!
Grant Fisher, Joe Klecker, Sam Chelanga, 2022 US Oly Trials, photo by Kevin Morris / @kevmofoto
Your workout today: March 7, 2022, Monday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
2022 RunBlogRun Spring Middle Distance Daily Track Training (800m-5000m), Week 9, Day 1
Monday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
Tuesday: Warm-up, 55 minutes running on trails, 15 minutes easy running, then, 8 times 2 minutes hard, 3 minutes easy, with 15 minutes easy running, and cooldown, (hard running at 1500m pace)
Wednesday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes, moderate running, 6 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
Thursday: warm-up, 55-minute fartlek, 10 minutes running, then 16 x 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy, 13 minutes running, then cooldown
Friday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x100m stride outs, cooldown
Saturday: warm-up, Racing on the relay, 4x400m, plus a 1000m, or an 800m, cool down
Sunday: 65-70 minutes moderate pace, on trails