Today is Tuesday, January 25, 2022. This is Day 2 of Week 3 in the Brooks 2022 Middle Distance daily track training program. Today we will run on trails and add some charges for two minutes. You will get five minutes recovery between each and it will be challenging, as all workouts during the first few weeks are. Just stay focused and take it one day at a time.
Our clip today is from Josh Kerr, the 2021 Olympic bronze medalist at the 1,500m and Brooks Beast TC member. He speaks with RunBlogRun about differences in training between elite and college athletes. Essentially, as you get more involved in running, the more responsibility you have for your training. The journey to see just how fast you can run takes years of training, racing and patience. Learn from Josh. Keep it fun.
Josh Kerr , 2021 Stumptown Classic, photo by How Lao Photography
Special thanks to Brooks Running for sponsoring this daily training program and providing us access to Josh Kerr, Danny Mackey and Des Linden. To learn more about Brooks running shoes please go to
Today’s Workout: Tuesday, January 25, 2022: 45 minutes running on trails, 4 times 2 minutes hard, with 5 minute moderate running, warm up and cooldown
Today’s Josh Kerr Clip: Differences between Pro training and training in college:
To see the complete interview on Josh Kerr, done just after his 3:31.55 PB prior to Tokyo, click here:
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Brooks presents: 2022 RunBlogRun Spring Middle Distance Daily Track Training (800m-5000m), Week 3, Day 2
Monday: warm up, 30-45 minutes moderate running, 4 x 100m stride outs, cool down
Tuesday: 45 minutes running on trails, 4 times 2 minutes hard, with 5 minute moderate running, warm up and cooldown
Wednesday: warm up, 30-45 minutes, moderate running, 4 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
Thursday: warm up, warm up, 45 minute fartlek, 10 minutes running, then 12 x 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy, 11 minutes running, then cooldown
Friday: warm up, 30-45 minutes moderate running, 4 x100m stride outs, cooldown
Saturday: warm up, All comers meet, indoor meet, 800m if you are 3-5k, 3k if you are 800m person, 3k if you are 1,500m person, cooldown
Sunday: 55-60 minutes moderate pace, on trails
To learn more about Brooks training shoes, racing shoes and spikes, please click here: