This is the last run of the year, keep it light and enjoy it.
An early spike, cobbled by Adi Dassler, co-founder of adidas GBH, photo by adidas Communications, circa 1924-1928.
Friday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
RunBlogRun Recovery Weeks, Week 3, Day 5
Monday–an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Tuesday-day off, or walk
Wednesday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Thursday-day off, or walk
Friday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Saturday-a day off, consider a nice walk
Sunday-an easy, 45-50 minute run