Monday after the holiday. Keep it relaxed and enjoy the beginning of week 3 of down time. You are probably just relaxing.
The SunKist invite was one of those fun indoor meets where goofiness met athleticism. SunKist got more than its money’s worth, and the track fans were treated to the best meet that the late Al Franken and his son, Don, could concieve. photo by Jeff Benjmain
Monday–an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
RunBlogRun Recovery Weeks, Week 3, Day 1
Monday–an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Tuesday-day off, or walk
Wednesday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Thursday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Friday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Saturday-a day off, consider a nice walk
Sunday-an easy, 45-50 minute run