In this easy week 2, savor the easy days. Today, you run 30 minutes, and get some stride outs in. This is the time to check your shoes and see if you need new training pairs prior to the start of the next season. We do suggest that you get two pairs of training shoes at once, so you can keep your shoes dry and stay healthy. Also check out the apparel too, stinky t shirts and shorts with holes in them only go so far.
Pushing the pace, photo by Kevin Morris / @kevmofoto
Tuesday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
RunBlogRun Recovery Weeks, Week 2, Day 2
Monday–day off, or walk
Tuesday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Wednesday-day off, or walk
Thursday -an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Friday-day off, or walk
Saturday-day off, or nice walk
Sunday-an easy, 45-50 minute run