The stories, and recollections (perhaps 92 percent being true) of long runs in the Santa Cruz mountains have romanticized my time running off Summit road. Each summer, from 1977-1982, I spent a week to two weeks in Yosemite. One year, we spent a week at Tuolome Meadows, with a bit of snow to remind me of where I was in the morning runs. It would be my highest mileage weeks of the year. In 1981 and 82, I believe my training log noted 138 and 140 miles a week. Each day began with 20k run on horse trails, dodging horse apples and going up the back of half Dome. I do recall scaring a hiker as I came up behind him, touched a tree that was my turn around and head back down to the valley. In the early evening, I would then go 12 to 15 k on the valley trails, and do fartlek two to three days a week.
The Long runs were 20-22 and all on trails, with some long runs uphill. The more hills one could challenge, the stronger one felt. By the end of the summer, I felt that I was in tough shape.
The long runs were always time for reflection, on the week before, a good race, a painting that I was working on and I felt, after the long run, that I was invicincible. Oh, for those days again. Two hours on a Sunday surely clears the head.
Clayton Murphy, photo by Mike Deering / The Shoe Addicts
Sunday-an easy, 45-50 minute run
RunBlogRun Recovery Weeks, Week 1, Day 7
Monday–an easy 30 minute run
Tuesday-day off, or a walk
Wednesday-an easy 30 minute run
Thursday -day off, or a walk, or a swim, or a bike ride
Friday-an easy 30 minute run
Saturday-day off, or a walk, or a swim, or a bike ride
Sunday-an easy, 45-50 minute run