Let me get this straight. We do not even know when the Chinese government will open up China to outside events?
How can one, even in the parallel universe inhabited by global sports federations, believe that the WIC in Nanjing will be hosted in Spring 2021. I love China, but with vaccines just beginning to be sent to key markets, the questions are many.
Good luck, Nanjing, I truly wanted to go, but not sure it can happen in 2021.
Nanjing will host the WIC 2021 in the new sports complex shown above, photo by LOC
World Indoors 2021 in waiting position
MONACO (MON): The current situation about the fate of World Indoors in China, planned for Nanjing in March, is based on the decision of Chinese Government when they will allow international events to be held in the country. That decision is expected in coming weeks. WA Council in this sense will hear progress reports from the organisers but is not able to say final verdict about the staging of the event.
Dave Hunter is an award-winning journalist who is a U.S. Correspondent for Track & Field News. He also writes a weekly column and serves as Senior Writer for www.RunBlogRun.com, and covers championship track & field competition domestically and in such global capitals as Moscow, Birmingham, Zurich, Brussels, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, Zagreb, Ostrava, and Doha. Hunter frequently serves as the arena or stadium announcer for championship track & field gatherings, including the Ivy League, the Big East, the Mid-American Conference, the NAIA, the Big Ten, and the Millrose Games. Hunter has undertaken foreign and domestic broadcast assignments. He ran his marathon P.R. 2:31:40 on the Boston Marathon course back in the Paleozoic Era. To find out more about Dave, visit his website: www.trackandfieldhunter.com He can be reached at: dave@trackandfieldhunter.com
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