Barry Fudge is leaving British Athletics in the next few days.
After a decade, Barry Fudge is leaving with little notice or fanfare. One wonders if the departure of Mr. Fudge is more about Jo Coates cleaning house, and beginning anew than anything else.
Barry Fudge and the late Neil Black were part of the Mo Farah era, and UK Athletics seems to be intent on ending that era and the attention spent on former consultant Alberto Salazar.
Stay tuned.
Barry Fudge, photo courtesy of
British Athletics has confirmed that Barry Fudge will leave his role as Head of Endurance at the end of June.
Fudge, who was appointed to the role in December 2013 has played a pivotal part in the organisation’s endurance strategy for more than 10 years and played a key role in supporting Mo Farah to his four Olympic titles.
Speaking of his decision to step down Fudge said:
“It’s a difficult time for the performance team and the sport as a whole but it has been great to see British Athletics use the opportunity to push on with recruiting the new Head Coach and Performance Director ahead of Tokyo 2021.
“The time is right for me to move on, and I am looking forward to watching our athletes progress and succeed at future championships.
“I’ve been proud to be a part of the organisation and support British coaches and their athletes to be the best they can be. I look forward to seeing the significant progress we have made being built on in the future.
“Having spent the last decade spending summers away from the family and in various training locations across the world, I’m looking forward to taking a break from that routine and working on some exciting new projects.”
Joanna Coates, CEO said: “We’d like to thank Barry for his work for the organisation over the years. The recruitment of the new Head Coach and Performance Director will now take the organisation in to a new era.”
Jo Coates is the new CEO of UK Athletics. To understand and appreciate where UK Athletics is going, please check out Stuart Weir’s 4 part interview of the new CEO of UK Athletics.
1. Jo Coates, Interview, 1/4, by Stuart Weir
2. Jo Coates, Interview, 2/4, by Stuart Weir
3. Jo Coates, Interview, 3/4, by Stuart Weir
4. Jo Coates, Interview, 4/4, by Stuart Weir
Mo Farah splits with righthand man Barry Fudge after falling out, 14 August 2017, Evening Standard