One of the best ways to learn about athletes is to see them speak outside of the arena or stadium. RunBlogRun asked The Shoe Addicts’ Mike Deering to film all of the presser at the 2020 New Balance Indoor Grand Prix.
This first interview was Emma Coburn (2016 Rio silver, 2017 London gold, and 2019 Doha silver), steeplechase and Konstanz Klausterhalfen. Emma has build herself into one of the top two steeplechasers on the globe. Her silver medal in 2019 showed the American steeplechaser at highest level of racing fitness. Her coach/husband Joe Bosshard has built a small training team that focuses on elite athletics. Emma is building for Tokyo.
Emma Coburn and Konstanz Klausterhalfen, with Geoff Wightman, photo by Mike Deering/The Shoe Addicts
Kontstanz Klausterhalfen is the World Champion 5000m bronze medalist and European silver indoor rmedalist at 3000m. She trained with Nike Oregon Project, but since it was disbanded, she is currently being coached by Pete Julian.
This presser was filmed at the Lennox Hotel on January 24, 2020. Special thanks to Mike Deering/The Shoe Addicts
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