The building of mileage over the summer is not a science, but a bit of art. Finding your right mixture of long runs, hill runs and easy runs take some time. Make sure you get sleep (8-10 hours), hydrate (water, non carbonated drinks, no sugar free drinks), eat well (veggies, legumes, protein source -fish, lean meat, fruit), stretch.
Ce’Aira Brown takes the 800m, photo by Kevin Morris
Saturday, July 13, 2019: 45 minute easy run, cooldown
Beginning of summer mileage, Week 2, Day 2
Monday: 50 minute park run
Tuesday: 50 minute hilly run, with at least 5 hills
Wednesday: 60 minute run, relaxed
Thursday: 50 minute run, go out in 26 minutes, come back in 24 minutes
Friday: 50 minute park run
Saturday: 45 minute easy run
Sunday: 65-70 minute long run