RunBlogRun Opines: The IAAF site selection committee visited Oregon for three days. Here’s the piece by Gene Cherry, Reuters, after he interviewed Olivier Gers,
CEO of the IAAF. One would expect nothing less from Mr. Gers but to paint a very positive picture of the upcoming event. And why shouldn’t he?
There should have been a championship in the US thirty years ago. It has taken the IAAF many years to understand that the real sponsorship
money and a huge number of fans reside in the United States.
IAAF not privy to any championships bid concerns: CEO
(Reuters)-Athletics global governing body has not been made aware of any information that would give it concern about successful world championship
bigs by Doha, and Eugene, Oregon, the IAAF’s chief executive told Reuters on Wednedsay.
( to read entiire story on Reuters’ site:
Olivier Gers, photo from