Hill work is a key part of our training program. The work level now will be much different in four weeks, and you will be able to handle it. Easy days stay easy days and hard days get more challenging. Key other parts of training: a) sleep is a must, 8-10 hours a night and a nap of 30 minutes if needed, b) hydration-water, 8-10 glasses, 8 ounces a day, stay off soda, coffee, if kept simple or tea, if kept simple are good, c) proper nutrition, that is eating varied foods, and keeping junk and processed foods down. You have a mortal engine, respect it.
Scott Fauble, photo by PhotoRun.net
Friday, July 14, 2017. warm up, easy 30-40 minute run with two 150 meter stride outs, then cooldown
As you begin running again, please consider the HOKA ONE ONE training shoes.
To learn about our sponsor, please go to 2017 HOKA ONE ONE Postal Nationals
Want some inspiration? Then, check out the video below, which highlights the 2016 HOKA ONE ONE Postal Nationals. It should inspire you to ask coach if your team can compete in it. All teams are welcome and it is free! See how your team ranks across the U.S! Here’s the video: http://www.runnerspace.com/video.php?video_id=190549#ooid=E2OHhiODE6d19qhv14SIqSXQX088IklV
Monday, warm up, Fartlek, forty minutes, five minutes up hills, five minutes easy four times, cooldown
Tuesday, warm up, run six 200 meter hill repeats, shorten stride, pump arms, look down at your
feet, jog down easy, 30 minute run, then, cooldown
Wednesday, warm up, easy 35-40 minute minute run, two times 150 meter stride outs, cooldown.
Thursday, warm up, 45 minute fartlek, two minutes uphill, three minutes easy, repeat nine times, cooldown
then, cooldown
Friday, warm up, easy 30-40 minute run with two 150 meter stride outs, then cooldown
Saturday, 30 minutes easy run, or bike, or swim.
Sunday, warm up, 55 minutes, in hills, cooldown