Christophe Lemaitre, 2011 Athletissima, Lausanne, photo by

And a tip of the hat to Brittney Reese, who jumped 7.25m last weekend (23-7 1/2) and won over in Lausanne in 6.85m.

Jermaine Gonzales ran 45.27 for the win in 400 meters. I swear, the 400
meters will be won in about 44.4 in Daegu, it is a snorer of an event
this year.
David Rudisha, 2011 Athletissima, Lausanne, press conference, photo by
David Rudisha, running his second race, runs 1:44.15, with Marcin
Lewandowski of Poland running 1:45.01 for second and Amine Laalou of
Morocco in third in 1:45.11.
Vincent Kiprop Chepkok wins the 5,000m in 12:59.13, his third sub 13:00
of the year. Add that on to his bronze in Worlds and 7:30.15 for 3,000
meters, you have a player. Imane Merga was second in 12:59.47, and Eliud
Kipchoge in 12:59.71. Kipchoge is one of my favorites, and a man who
has seen more fast races in his life (running in them) than most.
Dayron Robles, 2011 Athletissima, Lausanne, press conference, photo by
Dayron Robles wins here, in 13.12 with Dwight Thomas in 13.16, Jason
Richardson of the US in third in 13.17, just off his pb, and Andrew
Turner of GBR, running a smart 13.22. Robles is one of the more
unassuming stars of our sport. Most days, outside of track meets, you
can see him in a beret with a Che Guevara t-shirt, relaxing in the lobby
of the hq hotel.
David Greene, the 2010 European Champ and UK record holder (he broke Dave Hemery’s
iconic record last year), ran a modest 48.41, to Javier Culson, who took
second in 48.73, with Justin Gaymon in 49.21. Greene is just the young
man to surprise for the silver or bronze in Daegu. His hurdling is quite
good, and he has great form over the last three barriers, where others
just, well, croak. Note that World Champ Kerron Clement was fifth in
49.79. He has some form to regain before Daegu.
Renaud Lavillenie, the French pole vault star, European Champion, is
rounding into form, and his 5.83m told the story here. Malte Mohr of
Germany is jumping consistently, taking second here in 5.73m. Lajzaro
Borges of Cuba was third in 5.63m.
Teddy Tamgho, 2011 Athletissima, Lausanne, press conference, photo by
The triple jump may end up being the event of Daegu. Teddy Tamgho jumped
17.91m for the win here! Second place? Phillips Idowu jumped 17.52m.
Alexis Copello was third in 17.06m. And our friend, Christian Olsson,
the veteran triple jumper, was sixth in 16.86m.
Christian Cantwell had a heart breaking foul in Eugene on Sunday. It was
huge, Christian knew it and he was not a happy camper. However, the
World champ pulled it together and threw 21.83m here for the win, with
Ryan Whiting in second in 21.76m and Tomasz Majewski in third in 21.55m.
Andreas Thorkildsen threw for the stars today, with his HUGE 88.19m!
Second was Sergey Makarov in 87.12m, and Matthias de Zordo of Germany,
On the women’s side, some good stuff too!
Mariya Ryemyen of the Ukraine, ran 22.85 to win the 200 meters over
Debbie Ferguson-McKenzie’s 22.93. Olesya Povh of the Ukraine ran 23.04.
Amantle Monsho ran 50.23, with Sanya Richards Ross in second in 50.61,
and Natasha Hastings in third in 51.07. Montsho is showing how dangerous
she will be in Daegu.
Morgan Uceny, the US champ wins the 1,500 meters in 4:05.52. Anna
Mishchenko of the Ukraine, a kicker extraordinaire, finished in second
in 4:06.00. Hind Chahyd Dihiba of France was third in 4:06.58. Viola
Jelegat Kibiwot of Kenya was fourth in 4:06.67, with Kalkidan Gezahengne
in fifth in 4:06.87. Uceny is showing the poise and self control in the
final stages of her racing to be a real factor at the end of this
summer. Her US championships race was spell bounding.
Milcah Chemos Cheywa virtually owns the steeplechase. I watched her run
in Rome and she was in world champ form, and continues to excel. Cheywa
ran 9:19.87 for the win. Sofia Assefa was second in 9:20.50. Habiba
Ghribi of Tunisia was third in 9:21.02.

Sally Pearson of Australia ran 12.47, with a +3.3mps wind, and Danielle
Carruthers of the US, taking second in 12.48, and Tiffany Porter of GBR
in third in 12.64.
Anna Chicherova of Russia was first in the high jump in 1.95m. Vita
Styopina of the Ukraine was second in 1.90 and Svetlana Shkolina of
Russia was third in 1.90 with Melanie Melfort of France in fourth, also
at 1.90m. Blanka Vlasic was sixth, in 1.80m, just a bad day in the office.
Blanka Vlasic, 2011 Lausanne, Athletissima, press conference, photo by
Brittney Reese, who won the US champs with a huge jump, won here in
6.85m, with Darya Klishina of Russia in 6.76m, and Shara Proctor in
third in 6.66m.
Next Samsung Diamond League: AREVA Paris on July 8 and AVIVA Birmingham
on July 10. RBR will see you at both (plus World Youth in Lille, France
July 6).
Lausanne, 30/06/2011
Men’ results
100 Metres – Men Race 1 Wind: +1.0 m/s
1 Powell , Asafa JAM 9.78 4
2 Frater , Michael JAM 9.88 2
3 Lemaitre , Christophe FRA 9.95 1
4 Carter , Nesta JAM 9.99
5 Saidy Ndure , Jaysuma NOR 9.99
6 Martina , Churandy NED 10.21
7 Göltl , Felix GER 10.49
8 Mancini , Pascal SUI 10.58
100 Metres – Men Race 2 Wind: +1.2 m/s
1 Schenkel , Reto SUI 10.29
2 Wilson , Alex SUI 10.47
3 Beyene , Aron ERI 10.61
4 Baumann , Andreas SUI 10.76
5 Gugerli , Steven SUI 10.79
6 Ofosu , Asante SUI 10.87
7 Bello , Yanier SUI 10.89
8 Fongué , Rolf Malcolm SUI 10.93
400 Metres – Men
1 Gonzales , Jermaine JAM 45.27
2 Borlée , Kévin BEL 45.37
3 Henry , Tabarie ISV 45.57
4 Pinder , Demetrius BAH 45.99
5 Brenes , Nery CRC 46.10
6 Collazo , William CUB 46.23
7 Boase , Jordan USA 46.36
Gillick , David IRL DQ
800 Metres – Men
1 Rudisha , David Lekuta KEN 1:44.15 4
2 Lewandowski , Marcin POL 1:45.01 2
3 Laalou , Amine MAR 1:45.11 1
4 Kivuva , Jackson Mumbwa
KEN 1:45.45
5 Yego , Alfred Kirwa KEN 1:46.49
6 Kiplagat , Richard KEN 1:47.43
7 Som , Bram NED 1:47.70
8 Mulaudzi , Mbulaeni RSA 1:48.44
9 Kiprop , Asbel KEN 1:49.72
Tangui , Sammy KEN DNF
5000 Metres – Men
1 Chepkok , Vincent Kiprop KEN 12:59.13 4
2 Merga , Imane ETH 12:59.47 2
3 Kipchoge , Eliud KEN 12:59.71 1
4 Cheshari , Jacob Korir KEN 13:03.73
5 Gebremeskel , Dejen ETH 13:05.52
6 Kuma , Abera ETH 13:07.27
7 Kiptoo , Mark Kosgey KEN 13:10.96
8 Bekele , Tariku ETH 13:17.74
9 Kigen , Mike Kipruto KEN 13:20.00
10 Choge , Augustine Kiprono KEN 13:21.24
11 Tanui , Paul Kipngetich KEN 13:25.69
12 Medhin , Teklemariam ERI 13:27.51
13 Mesfin , Hunegnaw ETH 13:38.92
Cragg , Alistair Ian IRL DNF
C’Kurui , James Kwalia QAT DNF
Gathimba , Gideon KEN DNF
van der Westhuizen , Peter RSA DNF
110 Metres Hurdles – Men Wind: +1.0 m/s
1 Robles , Dayron CUB 13.12
2 Thomas , Dwight JAM 13.16
3 Richardson , Jason USA 13.17
4 Turner , Andrew GBR 13.22
5 Darien , Garfield FRA 13.37
6 Kiss , D√°niel HUN 13.54
7 Wilson , Ryan &nb
sp; USA 13.56
8 Sharman , William GBR 13.71
400 Metres Hurdles – Men
1 Greene , David GBR 48.41 4
2 Culson , Javier PUR 48.73 2
3 Gaymon , Justin USA 49.21 1
4 Green , Jack GBR 49.44
5 Clement , Kerron USA 49.79
6 S√°nchez , Felix DOM 50.28
7 Fredericks , Cornel RSA 51.12
8 Couto , Kurt MOZ 51.55
Pole Vault – Men
1 Lavillenie , Renaud FRA 5.83 4
2 Mohr , Malte GER 5.73 2
3 Borges , L√°zaro CUB 5.63 1
4 Holzdeppe , Raphael GER 5.53
5 Schulze , Fabian GER 5.43
6 Dossévi , Damiel FRA 5.43
7 Pavlov , Igor RUS 5.43
Gibilisco , Giuseppe ITA NM
Clavier , Jérôme FRA NM
Mesnil , Romain FRA NM
da Silva , F√°bio Gomes BRA NM
Triple Jump – Men
Pts Wind
1 Tamgho , Teddy FRA 17.91 &nbs
p; 4 +1.4
2 Idowu , Phillips GBR 17.52 2 +1.0
3 Copello , Alexis CUB 17.06 1 +2.0
4 Oprea , Marian ROU 17.00 +2.6
5 Girat , Arnie David CUB 16.97 +1.8
6 Olsson , Christian SWE 16.86 +1.2
7 Sands , Leevan BAH 16.83 +0.2
8 Compaoré , Benjamin FRA 16.82 +2.9
Shot Put – Men
1 Cantwell , Christian USA 21.83 4
2 Whiting , Ryan USA 21.76 2
3 Majewski , Tomasz POL 21.55 1
4 Hoffa , Reese USA 21.19
5 Mikhnevich , Andrei BLR 20.86
6 Urtans , Maris LAT 20.24
Nelson , Adam USA DNS
Javelin Throw – Men
1 Thorkildsen , Andreas NOR 88.19 4
2 Makarov , Sergey RUS 87.12 2
3 de Zordo , Matthias GER 83.65 1
4 Veselý , Vítezslav CZE 82.03
5 Frydrych , Petr CZE 78.94
6 Pitkämäki , Tero FIN 78.35
7 Vasilevskis , Vadims LAT 76.27
Women’ results
200 Metres – Women Wind: +0.2 m/s
sp; Pts
1 Ryemyen , Mariya UKR 22.85 4
2 Ferguson-McKenzie , Debbie BAH 22.93 2
3 Povh , Olesya UKR 23.04 1
4 Mothersille , Cydonie CAY 23.08
5 Moore , LaShauntea USA 23.16
6 Soumaré , Myriam FRA 23.19
7 Gushchina , Yulia RUS 23.23
8 Pohrebnyak , Nataliya UKR 23.56
400 Metres – Women
1 Montsho , Amantle BOT 50.23 4
2 Richards-Ross , Sanya USA 50.61 2
3 Hastings , Natasha USA 51.07 1
4 Yefremova , Antonina UKR 51.12
5 Dunn , Debbie USA 51.63
6 Williams-Mills , Novlene JAM 51.73
7 Williams , Shericka JAM 51.86
Spencer , Kaliese JAM DNS
1500 Metres – Women
1 Uceny , Morgan USA 4:05.52 4
2 Mishchenko , Anna UKR 4:06.00 2
3 Déhiba Chahyd , Hind FRA 4:06.58 1
4 Kibiwot , Viola Jelagat KEN 4:06.67
5 Gezahegne , Kalkidan ETH 4:06.87
6 Busienei , Janeth Jepkosgei KEN 4:07.00
7 Jelagat , Irene KEN 4:08.22
8 Assefa , Meskerem ETH 4:08.75
9 Belete , Mimi BRN 4:09.85 &nb
10 Jamal , Maryam Yusuf BRN 4:10.21
11 Lakhouad , Btissam MAR 4:10.42
12 Måkestad Bovim , Ingvill NOR 4:10.76
13 Semenya , Caster RSA 4:16.36
Plis , Renata POL DNF
Thomas , Charlene GBR DNS
Tverdostup , Tamara UKR DNS
3000 Metres Steeplechase – Women
1 Cheywa , Milcah Chemos KEN 9:19.87 4
2 Assefa , Sofia ETH 9:20.50 2
3 Njoroge , Mercy Wanjiku KEN 9:20.51 1
4 Ghribi , Habiba TUN 9:21.02
5 Adamu , Birtukan ETH 9:26.31
6 Fente , Birtukan ETH 9:28.27
7 Rotich , Lydia Jebet KEN 9:35.83
8 Britton , Fionnuala IRL 9:38.88
9 Kirui , Purity Cherotich KEN 9:45.57
10 Gr√âˆvdal , Karoline Bjerkeli NOR 9:48.18
Moreira , Sara POR DNF
Chepkurui , Lydiah KEN DNF
Hyman , Mardrea JAM DNF
100 Metres Hurdles – Women Race 1 Wind: +3.3 m/s
1 Pearson , Sally AUS 12.47 4
2 Carruthers , Danielle USA 12.48 2
3 Porter , Tiffany GBR 12.64 1
4 Crawford , Ginnie USA 12.65
5 Urech , Lisa SUI 12.72
6 Wells , Kellie USA 12.76 &nb
7 O’Rourke , Derval IRL 12.98
8 Ennis-London , Delloreen JAM 13.58
100 Metres Hurdles – Women Race 2 Wind: +0.5 m/s
1 Schrott , Beate AUT 13.34
2 Reuse , Clélia SUI 13.46
3 Tamošaityte , Sonata LTU 13.57
4 Affentranger , Marlen SUI 13.63
5 Hehl , Miriam GER 13.70
6 Arrieta , Valentine SUI 14.06
7 Jakob , Elodie SUI 14.10
Foster-Hylton , Brigitte JAM DNS
High Jump – Women
1 Chicherova , Anna RUS 1.95 4
2 Styopina , Vita UKR 1.90 2
2 Shkolina , Svetlana RUS 1.90 2
4 Melfort , Melanie FRA 1.90
5 Green , Emma SWE 1.90
6 Vlašic , Blanka CRO 1.90
7 Gordeeva , Irina RUS 1.85
8 Lundmark , Beatrice SUI 1.85
9 Jungmark , Ebba SWE 1.80
Francis , Sheree JAM NM
Long Jump – Women
Pts Wind
1 Reese , Brittney USA 6.85 4 +0.1
2 Klishina , Darya RUS 6.76 2 +1.7
3 Proctor , Shara GBR 6.66 1 +0.3
4 Jimoh , Funmi USA 6.66 +1.9
5 DeLoach , Janay USA 6.60 &n
bsp; +2.5
6 Radevica , Ineta LAT 6.56 +2.1
7 Shutkova , Veronika BLR 6.55 +0.8
8 Montaner , Concepción ESP 6.27 +1.6
9 Glenn , Brianna USA 6.19 +0.9
Discus Throw – Women
1 Barrios , Yarelis CUB 64.29 4
2 Thurmond , Aretha USA 63.85 2
3 Müller , Nadine GER 63.58 1
4 Brown Trafton , Stephanie USA 61.94
5 Karsak , Kateryna UKR 60.99
6 Grasu , Nicoleta ROU 60.54
7 Robert-Michon , Mélina FRA 59.37
8 Collado , Yarisley CUB 58.88
4×100 Metres Relay – Women
1 Germany GER 43.35
2 Switzerland SUI 44.70
2 Lithuania LTU 43.90
4 Switzerland U23 SUI 45.10
5 Ireland IRL 45.71
6 Switzerland U20 SUI 46.14
7 Switzerland U18 SUI 46.24
Slovenia SLO DNF
Larry Eder has had a 52-year involvement in the sport of athletics. Larry has experienced the sport as an athlete, coach, magazine publisher, and now, journalist and blogger. His first article, on Don Bowden, America's first sub-4 minute miler, was published in RW in 1983. Larry has published several magazines on athletics, from American Athletics to the U.S. version of Spikes magazine. He currently manages the content and marketing development of the RunningNetwork, The Shoe Addicts, and RunBlogRun. Of RunBlogRun, his daily pilgrimage with the sport, Larry says: "I have to admit, I love traveling to far away meets, writing about the sport I love, and the athletes I respect, for my readers at, the most of anything I have ever done, except, maybe running itself." Also does some updates for BBC Sports at key events, which he truly enjoys. Theme song: Greg Allman, " I'm no Angel."
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