Image by drcorneilus via Flickr
Dear RBRers, other gentle readers,
Anyone in Eugene, Oregon should be gathering at the Villard Street Pub for an adult beverage, some good food, and of course, some chatter about the world’s greatest sport–yes, track & field! Here is a note, from none other than our spiritual mentor, the man who put bachanal into Olympic Trial parties for two decades, a man who I have built a statue out of
butter containers in my back yard: Peanut Dwayne Harms:
Last Night over 70 coaches showed up at the Villard
after the Women’s 10k to claim Great Prizes (provided by Accusplit,
T-roller, & VS Athletics), and enjoy Excellent Food, Drink &
Conversation! The Fun continues tonight after the Men’s 10k with The
first 15 Coaches to tell me “I got your VS e-mail!” will receive a
Complimentary Wooden “Beer for the People” token!
The Villard St. Party Tents are going up
today turning the parking lot into a Tropical Paradise with BBQ, Micro
Beers, and VS Athletics etc. vending booths and more. The Outside
action starts on Friday with Breakfast at 9 am. The Villard St. Pub is
located 2 blocks away from Hayward Field (some people park there, have
a beverage & food and walk to the stadium!) at 1417 Villard St.
Just look for the VS Athletics Banners! See ya there tonight after the
Men’s 10k!
Larry Eder has had a 52-year involvement in the sport of athletics. Larry has experienced the sport as an athlete, coach, magazine publisher, and now, journalist and blogger. His first article, on Don Bowden, America's first sub-4 minute miler, was published in RW in 1983. Larry has published several magazines on athletics, from American Athletics to the U.S. version of Spikes magazine. He currently manages the content and marketing development of the RunningNetwork, The Shoe Addicts, and RunBlogRun. Of RunBlogRun, his daily pilgrimage with the sport, Larry says: "I have to admit, I love traveling to far away meets, writing about the sport I love, and the athletes I respect, for my readers at, the most of anything I have ever done, except, maybe running itself." Also does some updates for BBC Sports at key events, which he truly enjoys. Theme song: Greg Allman, " I'm no Angel."
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