It is all about the finish, photo by
Week 17: Time to start fine tuning!
The conference meets are on the way, and your fitness is coming along great. Racing fitness is key, and callousing yourself for racing is key. Watch how we change workouts on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: Race Day 1
Here are three options for this day of the week:
1. Race Day
a. Warm up, with one to two miles, and some stride outs, 5k race, then, one of the following:
1. Tempo Run, 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:00 for a 5K now, that means a 5:50 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:20 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. Finish up with 6 x 300 meters, with 100 meter jog in between, and then, long cooldown, 2-3 miles.
2. Go to your conference meet course, warm up, run the course like this: run the first mile at race pace, jog half mile, run hard half mile, jog half mile, run last half mile of course hard, cooldown.
3. Warm up, 3 x mile @ 5k race pace, half mile jog, 4×200 meters on track, 90 percent effort, cooldown.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: Race Day 2
1. Race Day, warm up well, some strideouts, 5k race, cool down a bit, then, one of the following:
a. Hill work, 1-mile warmup; 9 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 8 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down. Or, if a race happens on Thursday and Saturday, finish up with the 10×150 yds and then do your 1-mile easy cool-down.
2. Warm up, go to track, 12 times 400 meters at 5k race pace, 200 meter jog, finish with 4x 300 meters, at finish speed pace, cooldown.
3. Warm up, 3 miles on track, 200 meters, race pace, 200 meters moderate pace, repeat 12 times, cooldown.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Race Day 3
Warm up, then, 5K race. After race, try one of the following:
1. Run the race course again, run three minutes hard, three minutes easy, three times, cooldown.
2. Run an easy four miles, then, go three hundred meters from finish, and practice, six times.
3. Run 5k course, first mile take easy, increase pace in second mile, run final mile at race pace, finish hard, cooldown.
Sunday: Easy 7-11-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. Depending on how they feel from this week, the key is that they will be tired and their bodies are recovering from the racing.
The 2015 RunBlogRun Summer Cross Country Challenge is part of a program that goes back to 1996-1998, when we started online training programs on the site. The RBR Program has been going since 2007 and it comes from conversations with some of the top junior and national coaches across the country. Tempo Runs, Hill runs, and Long runs, along with core work and proper nutrition and sleep are crucial. Special thanks to Tim Hutchings and David Frank on their suggestions to improve the weeks 9-12.
Please find weeks 1-16 below. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! Send inquiries to
Pat Porter, Todd Williams, Ed Eyestone, XC 1993, photo by
All the above were primo cross country runners, and all were also Olympians. Coincidence? I think not! Run Cross Country!
And here is our earlier four weeks of training suggestions:
Before You Begin:
1. Get your gear in order.
If possible, you should have two pairs of good training shoes so you can rotate them. Most training shoes last for 8-10 weeks, depending on your training. Take your time at your local running store when selecting shoes and remember to go at the end of the day as your feet swell during the day. Bring a clean pair of socks and be prepared to check out 5-7 different shoes to find the right one for you. Assess your stash of socks, shorts, tops.
2. Hydrate yourself.
Eight to 10 glasses of water a day plus sports drinks and juice are a good start. Minimize the amount of coffee, tea, and carbonated soda you drink.
3. Fuel your engine with the right food.
Get the proper amounts and types of food into your system. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pasta, and modest amounts of fish, chicken, and beef make sense. For snacks, try apple slices spread with peanut butter. Nuts are also good. Pizza, tacos, and fast food places are fine as infrequent treats.
4. Sleep!
I know that at 17 or 18 you can text all night or check out the newest game on Xbox, but itwillaffect your training. Get 8-10 hours of sleep and, if you can, try for a nap (yes, a nap) on a few afternoons.
5. Establish your training group.
Though some people prefer to train alone, a group helps with the hard days and long runs. Figure out what works for you and your training style.
6. Inspiration.
Find some good books that support your running goals. Some classics include Once a Runner, The Irishman Who Ran for Britain, The Lonely Breed, A Cold, Clear Day, and Self-Made Olympian. Music can also be a great motivator. Find great additions to your playlist by talking to your friends and searching online, plus we’ll post the Shoe Addicts’ running music lists. We don’t recommend running with earbuds or headphones, however, since they compromise your awareness and possibly your safety. They can also mess with your ability to “tune into” the pace you’re running, which is essential come race time.
7. Set your goals.
Do you want to make the top 7? Improve your times at your league and section meets? Race better over the second half of the course? Think about these things now, write them down and prop them in your room where you can read them each day. It will help you stay on track.
8. Calculate your workout amounts.
To run 300 miles over 12 weeks, for example, you’ll need to average 25 miles a week, which is very good for freshmen and sophomores. To reach 400 miles over the summer, you need to average 34 miles a week, and to reach 500 miles, it takes a weekly average of 40 miles. The default numbers noted in the daily workouts (miles, reps, minutes) are for those accepting the 500 Mile Challenge. Numbers for those in the 400 Mile and 300 Mile Challenges appear in parentheses that follow. If there’s only one number/amount, it’s for all runners.
9. Questions?
Email us at or tweet us @runblogrun and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Here is a rehash of our first two weeks:
Weeks 1&2: Summer Training Begins
You’ll start on the road to a good summer of training with a long run, a tempo run, and some moderately paced runs. Don’t worry about pace in these first two weeks; just get out there, have some fun, and get into the habit of regular running. Workouts always begin with a warmup, some gentle stretching of major muscle groups, and light jogging. Repeat for your cool-down.
Monday: Warm up; 5 miles easy running (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run; 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 19 min for a 5K, that’s 6:10 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:40 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 5 miles easy running (400 Mile: 3 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 2 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to start; repeat once with no rest); 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 5 miles easy running (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); cool down.
Saturday: No workout. Walk, bike, watch a movie.
Sunday: Easy 6-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 5 miles)
Weeks 1&2 Totals per week (total): 500 Mile-31 (62) miles; 400 Mile-24 (48) miles; 300 Mile-22 (44) miles
Week 3: Getting the Habit Started
Make sure you’re doing your runs on a variety of surfaces–dirt, grassy fields, sand, road, track. It’s good for the feet and helps you use your feet in a healthy variety of ways. You’ll be a little sore this week as your body adjusts. Drink your liquids, sleep, eat well, and hang out with your friends.
Monday: Warm up; 5 miles easy running (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 2×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warm-up; 20-min tempo run; 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 19 min for a 5K, that’s 6:10 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:40 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 5 miles easy running (400 Mile: 3 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 2×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool-down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 3 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to start; repeat twice more, no rests); 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 5 miles easy running (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 2×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Saturday: No workout. Walk, bike, watch a movie.
Sunday: Easy 7-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 6 miles/300 Mile: 5 miles)
Week 3 Total: 500 Mile-37 miles; 400 Mile-30 miles; 300 Mile-25 miles
Week 4: Training Gets Rolling
This week, runners taking the 500 Mile and 400 Mile challenges begin running daily. Advanced athletes should add a 20-25-minute session (3 miles) of easy running on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Do these runs at the opposite time of day that you do your hard workout.
Monday: Warm up; 5-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 3×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 19 min for a 5K, that’s 6:10 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:40 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 5-mile run (400 Mile: 3 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 3×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 4 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to start; repeat 3 times, no rests); 1-mile cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 5-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 3×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 3-mile run or walk. (400 Mile: 2 miles/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 8-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 7 miles/300 Mile: 6 miles)
Week 4 Total: 500 Mile-35 miles; 400 Mile-30 miles; 300 Mile-21 miles
Mo. 1 Total: 500 Mile-134 miles; 400 Mile-108 miles; 300 Mile-90 miles
Week 5: Training Gets Tougher
By now you should be running at a better pace than when you started and noting that your tempo runs are more fun. Do the tempo and hill runs with teammates–hard workouts are easier that way. Check your shoes weekly!
Monday: Warm up; 5-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 4×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 19 min for a 5K, that’s 6:10 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:40 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 5-mile run (400 Mile: 3 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 4×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 5 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to start; repeat 4 times, no rests); 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 5-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 4×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Warm up; 4-5-mile run; cool down. (400 Mile: 3 miles/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 9-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 8 miles/300 Mile: 7 miles)
Week 5 Total: 500 Mile-36 miles; 400 Mile-29 miles; 300 Mile-25 mile
Week 6: Getting on Track
You’re getting there. You’re running faster and feeling fitter. Stay focused on your goals. Think about purchasing some cross country racing shoes in the upcoming weeks. And check your training shoes.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 5×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 19 min for a 5K, that’s 6:10 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:40 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 5×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 6 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to start; repeat 5 times, no rests); 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 5×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 3-mile run. (400 Mile: 2 miles/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 9-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 8 miles/300 Mile: 7 miles)
Week 6 Total: 500 Mile-38 miles; 400 Mile-33 miles; 300 Mile-24 miles
Week 7: Midway Through the Summer
This week is tough. Check your shoes to make sure they aren’t too worn. Consider getting racing shoes for the fall and using them for your tempo runs. College runners can start adding a mile to their long runs. Get to 90 minutes to 1:45 in the month of August.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 6×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup, 20-min tempo run, 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 18:50 min for a 5K, that’s 6:05 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:35 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 6×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup, 7 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to start; repeat 6 times, no rests); 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 6×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 5-mile run. (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 9.5-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 8.5 miles/300 Mile: 7.5 miles).
Week 7 Total: 500 Mile-40.5 miles; 400 Mile-36.5 miles; 300 Mile-25.5 miles
Week 8: Increase Your AM Runs
This is a good time to get your fall racing shoes and use them for tempo runs. If you’re an advanced runner, up your easy runs to 30-35 minutes on Mon-Wed-Fri, still doing them at the opposite time of day from your hard workout.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 7×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, 21 minute Fartlek session, 1-mile cool-dow To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 18:50 min for a 5K, that’s 6:05 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:35 per mile.Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. 20 minute Fartlek, with 7 times 2 minutes at 5k race pace, with one minute jog, then, one mile cooldown
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 7×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 5 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 4 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, 25 minutes fartlek, with 12 times one minute, 5k pace, one minute jog, then, 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging back to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 7×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 5-mile run or a hilly 4-mile race. Warm up and focus on running the second half well. You might feel rusty early, but you’ll feel better on the second half. (400 Mile: 4-miles or 5K race/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 9-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 7 miles/300 Mile: 6 miles)
Week 8 Total: 500 Mile-40 miles; 400 Mile-35 miles; 300 Mile-29 miles
Mo. 2 Total (To Date): 500 Mile-154.5 (288.5) miles; 400 Mile-133.5 (241.5) miles;300 Mile-103.5 (193.5) miles
Week 9: Getting in the Groove
How did your 4-mile race go last week? Are you starting to see some differences in your fitness level? This week, focus on the tempo run and the hill workout. Remember to drink lots of liquids (water, sports drinks, juices, green tea), eat well, and have a good snack after long workouts, like 2% chocolate milk and a PowerBar. Also, if you’re a college athlete, increase your morning runs to 35-40 minutes on Mon-Wed-Fri.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warm up; 20-min tempo run, 20 minutes of repetition runs, 1-mile cool down.To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. For example: If you currently run 18:50 min for a 5K, that’s 6:05 pace. Add 30 seconds, and your tempo run pace is 6:35 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. 20 Minute repetitions: 4×3 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy, One mile cooldown.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 7 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 6 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging back to the start, no rest in between; 30 minutes fartlek, with 5 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy, 5 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy, the, five timesone minute hard, one minute easy, 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 3-mile run. (400 Mile: 2 miles/300 Mile: off),
Sunday: Easy 9-mile run on grass or dirt with friends (400 Mile: 7 miles/300 Mile: 6 miles).
Week 9 Total: 500 Mile-46 miles; 400 Mile-33 miles; 300 Mile-26 miles
Week 10: Moving from Training to Racing
High schoolers start school within a couple of weeks. Juniors and seniors: You should be able to handle the 2 or 3 easy morning runs of 30 minutes. More advanced athletes, depending on your standards, should be able to handle 3 morning runs a week, M-W-F for 30-45 minutes. Just a few races and you’ll be ready to roll! Check those shoes, and we suggest getting two pair now for the season, and a racing shoe if you haven’t already gotten them.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, Fartlek, 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:30 for a 5K now, that’s a 6:00 pace. Add 30 seconds, and your tempo run pace is 6:30 per mile.Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 7 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start. Repeat 6 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging back to the start, no rest between; 24 minutes, Repetitions, 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 3-4-mile run. (400 Mile: 2-3 miles/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 10-mile run on grass or dirt with friends (400 Mile: 8 miles/300 Mile: 7 miles).
Week 10 Total: 500 Mile-48 miles; 400 Mile-35 miles; 300 Mile-26 miles
Week 11: Early Season Racing Begins
Your first real race will be a revelation. You should be able to handle the distance, but your pace may be slower than you expect. Don’t worry. You’ll recover quickly and should be racing fit in 3-5 races. Only the 500 Mile group should be doing morning runs beginning this week.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, Fartlek (see below), 1 mile cooldown. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:30 for a 5K now, that’s a 6:00 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:30 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. For Fartlek, do twenty minutes of five minutes race pace, five minutes moderate pace, then, two minutes race pace, two minutes moderate, two minutes race pace, two minutes moderate, one minute hard, one minute moderate, then, cooldown.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 8 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start. Repeat 7 more times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging back to the start, no rest in between; then, Repetitions: 3 minutes race pace, times five, with two minutes easy runnng between repetitions, then, cooldown.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy warmup; 5K race. Go out well, but pick it up each mile. With 800 meters to go, see what you can do. (400 Mile: 5K race/300 Mile: off)
Sunday: Easy 10-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 8 miles/300 Mile: 7 miles). Keep this on soft ground and run relaxed. If you’re sore from Saturday, then really slow it down. If you have any pain, consider cutting it short.
Week 11 Total: 500 Mile-52 miles; 400 Mile-37 miles; 300 Mile-29 miles
Week 12: Here Comes Cross Country Season
High school cross country starts quickly, so use those early races to get into shape. Continue to build speed. 300 Mile athletes add a Saturday run.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, Fartlek session, 1-mile cool down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:30 for a 5K now, that means a 6:00 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:30 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
Fartlek, 30 minutes, two minutes @5k pace, one minute relaxed, times ten
One Mile Cooldown
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 8 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start. Repeat 7 more times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging back to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down. Or, if a race happens on Thursday and Saturday, finish up with the 10×150 yds.
Repetitions, Five minutes hard, @5k pace, Five minutes relaxed, time three.
1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Sunday: Easy 11-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 8 miles/300 Mile: 7 miles).
Week 12 Total: 500 Mile-53 miles; 400 Mile-37 miles; 300 Mile-29 miles
Week 13: You’ve Made It!
You’ve now got 3 months of solid training behind you. Keep the days between racing and the hard days relaxed. Now it’s time to focus on your racing. How are you feeling? When do you tire? When do you kick? Try some different race strategies.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, 1-mile cool-down. To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:00 for a 5K now, that means a 5:50 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:20 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month.
See options above.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: 1-mile warmup; 9 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 8 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down. Or, if a race happens on Thursday and Saturday, finish up with the 10×150 yds and then do your 1-mile easy cool-down.
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Easy 3-mile run or a 5K race.
Sunday: Easy 11-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. (400 Mile: 8 miles/300 Mile: 7 miles)
Week 13 Total (Final Miles): 500 Mile-53 miles (540.5); 400 Mile-35 (418.5) miles; 300 Mile-29 miles (332.5)
Week 14: Racing in Earnest!
The next two weeks are key to you and your team’s success. We will pre supose that you have races on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. As this is very early season, we will provide alternate workouts for those days, plus work to do after the races. Stress warm ups and cooldowns. Stress team running. Realize that if your goals are to race well at conference and beyond, then, the early meets are part of your training and callousing.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: Race Day 1
Here are three options for this day of the week:
1. Race Day
a. Warm up, with one to two miles, and some stride outs, 5k race, then, one of the following:
1. Tempo Run, 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:00 for a 5K now, that means a 5:50 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:20 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. Finish up with 6 x 300 meters, with 100 meter jog in between, and then, long cooldown, 2-3 miles.
2. Repetitions: after race, four times five minutes at 5k race pace, with easy five minutes recovery in between, long cooldown, 2-3 miles
3. Fartlek: after race, 40 minutes of 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, repeat ten times, 2 minutes on is at 5k race pace, then, nice easy cooldown.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: Race Day 2
1. Race Day, warm up well, some strideouts, 5k race, cool down a bit, then, one of the following:
a. Hill work, 1-mile warmup; 9 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 8 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down. Or, if a race happens on Thursday and Saturday, finish up with the 10×150 yds and then do your 1-mile easy cool-down.
2. Five times 3:00, at mile pace for 5k, with two minute jog in between, then cooldown
3. Repetitions: Three times six minutes, at 5k race pace, six minutes easy jogging in between, then cooldown
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Race Day 3
Warm up, then, 5K race. After race, try one of the following:
1. 6 x 300 meters, with each one faster than one before, then cooldown
2. 4 x 3 minutes at 5k race pace, with three minutes easy, then cooldown
3. 5k course loop, sprint 100 meters, jog 100 meters, do that the entire course, then, cooldown
Sunday: Easy 7-10-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. Depending on how they feel from this week, the key is that they will be tired and their bodies are switching over to racing.
Week 14 Total (Final Miles): 500 Mile-53 miles (581); 400 Mile-35 (453) miles; 300 Mile-29 miles (361)
Week 15: Real Racing Time !
The next two weeks are key to you and your team’s success. We will pre supose that you have races on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. As this is very early season, we will provide alternate workouts for those days, plus work to do after the races. Stress warm ups and cooldowns. Stress team running. Realize that if your goals are to race well at conference and beyond, then, the early meets are part of your training and callousing.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: Race Day 1
Here are three options for this day of the week:
1. Race Day
a. Warm up, with one to two miles, and some stride outs, 5k race, then, one of the following:
1. Tempo Run, 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:00 for a 5K now, that means a 5:50 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:20 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. Finish up with 6 x 300 meters, with 100 meter jog in between, and then, long cooldown, 2-3 miles.
2. Repetitions: after race, four times five minutes at 5k race pace, with easy five minutes recovery in between, long cooldown, 2-3 miles
3. Fartlek: after race, 40 minutes of 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, repeat ten times, 2 minutes on is at 5k race pace, then, nice easy cooldown.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: Race Day 2
1. Race Day, warm up well, some strideouts, 5k race, cool down a bit, then, one of the following:
a. Hill work, 1-mile warmup; 9 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 8 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down. Or, if a race happens on Thursday and Saturday, finish up with the 10×150 yds and then do your 1-mile easy cool-down.
2. Five times 3:00, at mile pace for 5k, with two minute jog in between, then cooldown
3. Repetitions: Three times six minutes, at 5k race pace, six minutes easy jogging in between, then cooldown
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Race Day 3
Warm up, then, 5K race. After race, try one of the following:
1. 6 x 300 meters, with each one faster than one before, then cooldown
2. 4 x 3 minutes at 5k race pace, with three minutes easy, then cooldown
3. 5k course loop, sprint 100 meters, jog 100 meters, do that the entire course, then, cooldown
Sunday: Easy 7-10-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. Depending on how they feel from this week, the key is that they will be tired and their bodies are switching over to racing.
Week 16: Racing Season is here!
For most, two more weeks and conference meets are upon us. Your racing continues, two to three times a week for another two weeks. Use those days to learn, and try something different on each race and also focus on team racing.
Monday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest between; cool down.
Tuesday: Race Day 1
Here are three options for this day of the week:
1. Race Day
a. Warm up, with one to two miles, and some stride outs, 5k race, then, one of the following:
1. Tempo Run, 1-mile warmup; 20-min tempo run, To determine your tempo run pace, add a half-minute to your present mile pace for a 5K. So if you can run 18:00 for a 5K now, that means a 5:50 pace. Add 30 seconds to get your tempo run pace of 6:20 per mile. Recalculate your pace as your fitness improves, about once a month. Finish up with 6 x 300 meters, with 100 meter jog in between, and then, long cooldown, 2-3 miles.
2. Repetitions: after race, four times five minutes at 5k race pace, with easy five minutes recovery in between, long cooldown, 2-3 miles
3. Twelve laps on 400 meter track, sprinting straights, jogging turns, straights at mile pace of current 5k racing.
Wednesday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 4 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Thursday: Race Day 2
1. Race Day, warm up well, some strideouts, 5k race, cool down a bit, then, one of the following:
a. Hill work, 1-mile warmup; 9 hill repeats (run 200 yds uphill, turn, jog downhill to the start; repeat 8 times, no rests); on the flat at the bottom of the hill, try for 8×150 yds as easy strideouts, jogging to the start, no rest in between; 1-mile easy cool-down. Or, if a race happens on Thursday and Saturday, finish up with the 10×150 yds and then do your 1-mile easy cool-down.
2. Five times 3:00, at mile pace for 5k, with two minute jog in between, then cooldown
3. Repetitions: Three times six minutes, at 5k race pace, six minutes easy jogging in between, then cooldown
Friday: Warm up; 6-mile run (400 Mile: 5 miles/300 Mile: 3 miles); 8×150 yds relaxed strideouts on grass, jogging back to the start after each, no rest in between; cool down.
Saturday: Race Day 3
Warm up, then, 5K race. After race, try one of the following:
1. 6 x 300 meters, with each one faster than one before, then cooldown
2. 4 x 3 minutes at 5k race pace, with three minutes easy, then cooldown
3. 5k course loop, sprint 100 meters, jog 100 meters, do that the entire course, then, cooldown
Sunday: Easy 7-10-mile run on grass or dirt with friends. Depending on how they feel from this week, the key is that they will be tired and their bodies are switching over to racing.
Larry Eder has had a 52-year involvement in the sport of athletics. Larry has experienced the sport as an athlete, coach, magazine publisher, and now, journalist and blogger. His first article, on Don Bowden, America's first sub-4 minute miler, was published in RW in 1983. Larry has published several magazines on athletics, from American Athletics to the U.S. version of Spikes magazine. He currently manages the content and marketing development of the RunningNetwork, The Shoe Addicts, and RunBlogRun. Of RunBlogRun, his daily pilgrimage with the sport, Larry says: "I have to admit, I love traveling to far away meets, writing about the sport I love, and the athletes I respect, for my readers at, the most of anything I have ever done, except, maybe running itself." Also does some updates for BBC Sports at key events, which he truly enjoys. Theme song: Greg Allman, " I'm no Angel."
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