Walt Murphy’s X-Country X-Press continues to be the source for cross country results. This section is CCC Preview, Drews Neubauer and Bronco Invitational.
Walt Murphy’s News and Results Service (wmurphy25@aol.com)
X-Country X-Press
(c)Copyright 2012-all rights reserved. May not be reprinted or retransmitted without permission.
Maple Grove GC, West Salem, WI, 10-13, 6k
A Minnesota “B” team defeated Wartburg, #11 in Div. III and Iowa Central, #1 in Div. I JUCO. Enabnit, a sophomore, was 10th at ‘the ’11 Div. III Championships
1. Minnesota “B” 82 14. Cornell 417
2. Wartburg 99 15. Auroora 441
3. Iowa Central 101 16. Hamline 460
4. St.Olaf 115 17. Augsburg 479
5. Luther 132 18. St.Mary’s 507
6. Carleton 147 19. UW-Plattevl 547
7. St.Benedict 184 20. Winona St. 575
8. UW-LaCrosse 216 21. Wisconsin TC 587
9. GustavusAdol. 232 22. UW-RvrFalls 640
10. Neb.Wesley. 314 23. Simpson 656
11. Grinnell 350 24. Paradise Vly 687
12. Central Coll. 400 25. IowaLakes 787
13. Macalester 416 26. Buena Vista 834
1.Alana Enabnit (Wartburg) 21:41, 2.Johnson (St.Olaf) 21:54, 3.Emma Lee (St.Olaf) 22:04, 4.Sammi Bruett (Wartburg) 22:07, 5.Tricia Serres (Luther) 22:14, 6.Rice (Augsburg) 22:19, 7.McKenna (IA Cent) 22:20, 8.Burnell (Grinnell) 22:21, 9.Solfelt (Minnesota) 22:32, 10.Mincke (Minn) 22:32,
11.Schmidt (Minn) 22:33, 12.Miller (IA Cent) 22:33, 13.Steinke (Carleton) 22:36, 14.Fermoyle (Gustavus Adolphus) 22:39, 15.Nyandwi (IA Cent) 22:40, 16.Rouse (Grinnell) 22:41, 17.Vawter (Wartburg) 22:41, 18.Eggers (GustAdol) 22:44, 19.Pierson (Luther) 22:45, 20.Exner (St.Olaf) 22:45,
21.Neal (IA Cent) 22:45, 22.Storlie (Luther) 22:46, 23.Kaufman (Carleton) 22:48, 24.Cole (Luther) 22:51, 25.Trasser (Minn) 22:59…..Sawyers (Wartburg) 22:59, 27.Hill (Minn) 23:01….30.Donovan (Carleton) 23:05….33.Urick (Minn) 23:05… .37.Celichowski (Carleton) 23:17….41. Novacinski (St.Olaf) 23:19….44.Weeks (Carleton) 23:22…45.Brunn (Minn) 223:24, 46.Condron (IA Cent) 23:25….51.Wood (St.Olaf) 23:29….53.Gerdes (Wartburg) 23:32, 54.Dean (St.Olaf) 23:34….58. Gutierrez (IA Cent) 23:36, 59.Brandt (St.Olaf) 23:36….61.Johnson (Carleton) 23:37….76.Mapes (Wartburg) 23:49….83. Ferguson (Minn) 23:56….87.Goetzl (Wartburg) 23:57….103.Wisekal (Carleton) 24:12.
Sunnyvale,Ca, 10-13, 5k.
Cal.State-San Marcos is the top-ranked NAIA team., and the University of British Columbia is #2.
1. CS-San Marcos 104
2. LongBeachSt 110
3. NewMexico St 111
4. British Col. 140
5. Fresno State 184
6. Colorado”B” 187
7. CS-Fullerton 204
8. UC-Davis 224
(16 teams)
1.Taylor Dutch (unat) 16:59, 2.Courtney Schultz (NMSt) 17:00, 3.Sophie Curl (unat) 17:03, 4.Lauren Mugnaini (unat) 17:09, 5.Camille Schultz (NMSt) 17:14
Lents Park, Portland, OR, 10-13, 5k
NW Christian is ranked 7th in NAIA and Southern Or., 21st
1. Portland “B” 56 6. SouthernOre. 134
2. NW Christian 63 7. Corban 165
3. Portland St 80 8. Concordia”B” 196
4. Northwest 110 9. Pacific 248
5. U.Oregon RC 132 10. Warner Pac. 261
1.Merel van Steenbergen (Portland) 17:22, 2.Amber Rozcicha (Port.St) 17:33, 3.Sarah Dean (Port.St) 17:54, 4.Ally Manley (NW Christian) 17:56, 5.Mikel Elliott (Concordia-Or) 17:58, 6.Knapp-Gordon (Univ.Or. RC) 18:00, 7.Whybark (Concordia-Or) 18:32, 8.Kinney (NW Christian) 18:37, 9.Dattmann (Portland) 18:43, 10.Rudd (So.Or) 18:45,
11.Svendson-McLean (NW Christian) 18:46, 12.Hibshman (Portland) 18:47, 13.Zellerhoff (Portland) 18:48, 14.Castillo (Port.St) 18:48, 15.Duvenez (NW Christian) 18:50….19.Hagy (So.Or) 19:03, 20.Rozario (So.Or) 19:04….26.Heidi Gori (NW Christian) 19:14, 27.Schorer (NW Christian) 19:15….41.Westley (So.Or) 19:39….47.Ramir
ez (So.Or) 19:42…52. Korpela (So.Or) 19:52….61.Limesand (So.Or) 20:20…64.Peterson (NW Christian) 20:29.
Lents Park, Portland, OR, 10-13, 8k
Southern Or. Is ranked #1 NAIA and Concordia-Or, which rested some of its top runners, is #8.
1. So.Oregon 34 7. Warner Pac. 204
2. Portland”B” 72 8. Portlnd St. 207
3. NW Christian 97 9. Pacific 221
4. U.Oregon RC 102 10. Northwest 281
5. Concordia”B” 116 11. Evergreen St. 294
6. Corban 182
1.Eric Avila (Southern Or) 24:32, 2.Alex Dillard (Unat) 24:37, 3.Stephen Kersh (Portland) 24:53, 4.Andrew Landstrom (Concordia-Or) 24:58, 5.Scott McIntyre (So.Or) 25:02, 6.Gonzalez (Concordia-Or) 25:04, 7.Borg (Port) 25:04, 8.VanDyke (So.Or) 25:06, 9.Wells (Port) 25:07, 10.Hay (Unat) 25:12,
11.Lopez (NW Christian) 25:19, 12.Hixon (So.Or) 25:22, 13.Bailey (Univ.Or.RC) 25:24, 14.Normo (So.Or) 25:27, 15.Hornig (So.Or) 25:30….16. Ghelfi (So.Or) 25:35.
Maple Grove GC, West Salem, WI, 10-13, 8k
Wisconsin-La Crosse, ranked #7 in Div. III, defeated UW-Platteville #22 and Central College-IA #30.
Iowa Central #2 and Paradise Valley t-4th are Div. I JUCO ranked. Paradise Valley is the defending JUCO Div.I champions
1. UW-LaCrosse 45 14. Hamline 361
2. UWPlatteville 111 15. Nebr.Wesley. 374
3. Central Coll. 131 16. St.Mary’s 400
4. Iowa Central 161 17. UW-River Falls 476
5. St.Olaf 184 18. GustavusAdol. 515
6. Paradise Vly 207 19. WisconsinTC 531
7. St.John’s 217 20. Macalester 577
8. Luther 231 21. Augsburg 598
9. St.Thomas 266 22. Cornell-IA 603
10. Grinnell 274 23. Aurora 621
11. Minn.Running 304 24. Coll.Lake Co. 797
12. Simpson 336 25. Buena Vista 824
13. Wartburg 354 26. Winona St. 842
1.Stanley Kabenei (Iowa Central) 24:45, 2.Eli Horton (Central College) 25:23, 3.Grant Wintheiser (Olaf) 25:13, 4.Micheale Tesema (Augsburg) 25:26, 5.Dedering (UW-La Crosse) 25:30, 6.Kaul (UW-La Crosse) 25:30, 7.Boma (Iowa Central) 25:35, 8.Routhier (UW-La Crosse) 25:38, 9.Walden (UW-Platteville) 25:41, 10.Lauria-Banta (UW-La Crosse) 25:41,
11.Fahrenmkrug (UW-Platteville) 25:42, 12.Lamere (UW-Platteville) 25:43, 13.Wendroth (St.Thomas) 25:43, 14.Florez (Paradise Valley CC) 25:45, 15.Farrand (Simpson) 25:46, 16.Punzenberger (UW-La Crosse) 25:47, 17.Johnson (Minn.RC) 25:47, 18.Read (Wartburg) 25:50, 19.Linner (UW-La Crosse) 25:51, 20.Valencia (PVC) 25:52,
21.Decker (Cent. Coll) 25:55, 22.Jackson (Cent.Coll) 25:55, 23.Canady (Grinnell) 25:55, 24.Ruter (Hamline) 25:57, 25.Subialka (St. John’s) 25:58…..29.O’Brien (Cent.Coll) 26:03, 30.Kocak (UW-Platteville) 26:03…..39.Simbassa (IA Cent)26:17….49.Costello (IA Cent) 26:22….52.Borneman (UW-Platt) 26:24…. 57.Secakuku (PVC) 26:31…61.Whitlatch (PVC) 26:31….62.Beninga (Cent.Coll) 26:32, 63.Doughan (Cent.Coll) 26:32…. 69.Mugisha (PVC) 26:37….71.Poser (UW-Platt) 26:38, 72.Montanez (PVC) 26:38…. 77.Deir (IA Cent) 26:41….82.Shepard (Cent.Coll) 26:44, 83.Plourde (IA Cent) 26:46….90.Storjohann (IA Cent) 26:50…. 93.Gonzalez (PVC) 26:52…110.Czech (UW-Platt) 27:08.
Sunnyvale,Ca, 10-13, 8k.
Ranked Teams:Chico State(#3-Div.II), (Univ. British Columbia(#5-NAIA), Cal.State -San Marcos(#2-NAIA).
1. San Francisco 146
2. UC-Davis 158
3. Chico St. 186
4. Amer.River 191
5. UCLA 197
6. Colorao”B” 201
7. SacramentoSt 208
8. New MexicoSt 213
; U.Brit.Col. 226
10. CSSanMarcos 227
1.John Gilbertson (Master’s) 23:40, 2.Danny Lyon (CS-San Marcos) 23:44, 3.Rajpaul Pannu (St.Mary’s) 23:53, 4.Bryce Jenkins (Idaho St) 24:02, 5.Jose Madera (SanFran) 24:06,
Larry Eder has had a 52-year involvement in the sport of athletics. Larry has experienced the sport as an athlete, coach, magazine publisher, and now, journalist and blogger. His first article, on Don Bowden, America's first sub-4 minute miler, was published in RW in 1983. Larry has published several magazines on athletics, from American Athletics to the U.S. version of Spikes magazine. He currently manages the content and marketing development of the RunningNetwork, The Shoe Addicts, and RunBlogRun. Of RunBlogRun, his daily pilgrimage with the sport, Larry says: "I have to admit, I love traveling to far away meets, writing about the sport I love, and the athletes I respect, for my readers at runblogrun.com, the most of anything I have ever done, except, maybe running itself." Also does some updates for BBC Sports at key events, which he truly enjoys. Theme song: Greg Allman, " I'm no Angel."
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