The college cross country season is coming to its penultimate weekend, as the Regionals have been held! Walt Murphy’s XC XPress provided us with the results of the NCAA Division 1 regionals!
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Here is a quick look at the results from today’s Regionals. Additional teams and individuals will be included in the final version of the next issue of X-Country X-Press.
Top two teams in each of nine regions automatically qualify for the Nationals(*). An additional 13 teams will receive at-large bids. The top four individuals in each region not on a qualifying team will also advance, as will two additional at-large individuals. Complete results from each region should be available at:
Current rankings in ( )
Eugene, OR, 11-14
1. Stanford* 27 (1)
2. Portland* 84 (7)
3. Oregon 109 (3)
4. Washington 120 (17)
5. Cal Poly 155
Arizona St. 155 (15)
7. UCLA 207
(26 teams)
1.Chris Derrick (Stanford) 30:39, 2.Elliott Heath (Stan) 30:39, 3.Justin Marpole-Bird (Stan) 30:43, 4.Scott Smith (UC Santa Barbara) 30:43, 5.Tommy Betterbed (Portland) 30:43, 6.Puskedra (Oregon) 30:49, 7.Bethke (ArizSt) 30:51, 8.Osoro (Port) 30:55, 9.Ige (Ariz) 30:57, 10.Gregg (Stan) 30:58,
1. Washington* 25 (1)
2. Oregon* 66 (5)
3. Stanford 94 (14)
4. Arizona St. 119 (16)
5. Arizona 202 (24)
6. UC-SantaBarb 228
7. UC-Davis 232
8. California 255 (27)
(25 teams)
1.Kendra Schaaf (Washington) 20:42, 2.Jordan Hasay (Oregon) 20:53, 3.Mel Lawrence (Wash) 20:59, 4.Kailey Campbell (Wash) 21:01, 5.Nicole Blood (Ore) 21:01, 6.Stephanie Wilson (Santa CLara) 21:02, 7.Follett (Wash) 21:03, 8.Kosinski (Ore) 21:08, 9.Marcy (Stan) 21:10, 10.Babcock (Wash) 21:13,
Springfield,MO, 11-14.
1. Oklahoma St 50 (2)
2, Oklahoma 71 (18)
3. Iowa State 109 (27)
4. Minnesota 125 (29)
5. So. Illinois 160
6. Iowa 170
7. Tulsa 174
8. Nebraska 248
(25 teams)
1.Hassan Mead (Minnesota) 30:22, 2.Jeff Schirmer (Southern Illinois) 30:50, 3.Kevin Schwab (Oklahoma) 30:52, 4.Robert Sorrell (Okla) 30:54, 5.Hillary Bor (Iowa St) 30:56, 6.Guor Marial (Iowa St) 30:57, 7.Jonah Lagat (Oral Roberts) 30:59, 8.Beattie (Tulsa) 31:01, 9.D.Chirchir (OklaSt) 31:03, 10.J..Kosgei (OklaSt) 31:04,
11.Vail (OklaSt) 31:04, 12.Fernandez (OklaSt) 31:04, 13.Lowe (OklaSt) 31:04, 14.Mecheso (OKlaSt) 31:04
1. Minnesota* 60 (17)
2. Illinois* 86 (13)
3. Iowa State 106 (18)
4. Nebraska 147 (nr)
5. Iowa 160 (30)
6. Wichita St. 200
7. Missouri 202
8. Tulsa 220
9. Kansas State 222
10. Kansas 247
(22 teams)
1.Angela Bizzari (Illinois) 20:08, 2.Megan Duwell (Minnesota) 20:15, 3.Lisa Koll (Iowa St) 20:20, 4.Kristin Sutherland (Illinois) 20:45, 5.Lauren Bonds (Kansas) 20:50, 6.Ramos (Kansas St) 20:56, 7.Susa (OklaSt) 21:00, 8.Vanatta (Missouri) 21:02, 10.Tuliamuk (Iowa St) 21:05,
Princess Anne,Md, 11-14, lots of mud.
1. Villanova* 23 (2)
2. Princeton* 77 (4)
3. WestVirginia 82 (7)
4. Penn State 98 (11)
5. Georgetown 100 (12)
6. Maryland 246
7. Duquesne 299
8. Delaware 320
(27 teams)
1.Sheila Reid (Villanova) 20:23, 2.Amanda Marino (Vill) 20:27, 3.Emily Infeld (Georgetown) 20:32, 4.Bridget Franek (Penn St) 20:41, 5.Bogdana Mimic (Vill) 20:47, 6.Smith (Vill) 20;49, 7.Costello (Princeton) 20:53, 8.Grandt (WestVa) 20:53, 9.Tallman (Vill) 20:57, 10.Banfich (Prince) 20:58,
1. Georgetown* 38 (15)
2. Villanova* 48 (20)
3. St.Joseph’s 181
4. Navy 201
5. LaSalle 203
6. Princeton 211
7. American 246
8. Duquesne 256
(28 teams)
1.Andrew Bumbalough (Georgetown) 31:42, 2.Matthew Mildenhall (Villanova) 31:42, 3.Michael Krisch (Geo) 31:43, 4.Hugo Beamish (Vill) 31:43, 5.Mark Dennin (Geo) 31:48, 6.Alex Lundy (Maryland) 31:50, 7.Mike Stolar (Duquesne) 31:56, 8.Vince McNally (Penn St) 32:01, 9.Miller (Geo) 32:04, 10.Lewis (Vill) 32:07,
Tuscaloosa,AL, 11-14.
1. Florida* 33 (3)
2. Florida State* 54 (9)
3. Tennessee 102 (29)
4. Georgia 114
5. Vanderbilt 164
(23 teams)
1.Rebecca Lowe (Florida) 20:04, 2.Charlotte Browning (Florida) 20:13, 3.Jackie Areson (Tennessee) 20:21, 4.Stacey Johnson (Florida) 20:29, 5.Zamzam Sangau (Middle Tenn.) 20:31, 6.McShine (Florida St) 20:32, 7.P.Cheruiyot (Florida St) 20:32, 8.Plank (Georgia) 20:33, 9.Blancett (Georgia St) 20:34, 10.Van Horn (Tenn) 20:35,
1. Alabama* 45 (6)
2. Florida St.* 80 (21)
3. Auburn 110 (25)
4. Georgia 125
5. Florida 143
(26 teams)
1.Felix Kiboiywo (Auburn/Kenya) 29:36, 2.Barnabas Kirui (Ole Miss/Kenya) 29:45, 3.Ben Cheruiyot (Auburn/Kenya) 30:01, 4.Matt Leeder (Florida St) 30:09, 5.Zac Edwards (So.Alabama) 30:09, 6.A. Kirwa (Alabama/Kenya) 30:12, 7.F.Samoei (Alabama/Kenya) 30:15, 8.Roberts (FlaSt) 30:18, 9.J.Bor (Alabama/Kenya) 30:25, 10.M.Tirop (So.Ala/Kenya) 30:31,
11.M.Kiptoo (Alabama/Kenya) 30:33, 12.E.Bor (Alabama/Kenya) 30:38, 13. F.Chemaoi (MIddle Tenn./Kenya) 30:39, 14.Taylor (Fla) 30:42, 15.Abtahi (Georgia) 30:35,
Waco,TX, 11-14
1. Arkansas* 47 (22)
2. Texas* 74 (nr)
3. Lamar 83
4. Texas A&M 89
5. S.F.Austin 159
(19 teams)
1.Dorian Ulrey (Arkansas) 30:25, 2.Solomon Haile (Ark) 30:26, 3.Francis Kasagule (Lamar) 30:29, 4.Habben Berhane (Texas) 30:34, 5.Joshua Sawe (McNeese St) 30:50, 6.Joe Sauvageau (TexasA&M) 30:55, 7.Boyer (Ark) 31:00, 8.Rooney (McNeese) 31:03, 9.Tunningley (Texas) 31:13, 10.Bible (Texas A&M) 31:14,
1. SMU* 43 (25)
2. Baylor* 54 (nr)
3. Arkansas 66 (nr)
4. Texas 124 (28)
5. Rice 172
6. TexA&M-CC 199
7. Houston 208
(21 teams)
1.Silje Fjortoft (SMU) 20:30, 2.Betzy Jiminez (Texas) 20:55, 3.Erin Bedell (Baylor) 21:02, 4.Sara Sjokvist (SMU) 21:11, 5.Alyssa Allison (Ark) 21:15, 6.Anne Ronoh (Texas A&M-Corpus Christi) 21:17, 7.Blom (SMU) 21:18, 8.Eikrem-ENgest (SMU) 21:21, 9.Walker (Ark) 21:23, 10.Westenhover (Baylor) 21:23,
Albuquerque,NM, 11-14.
1. Colorado* 48 (6)
2. Texas Tech* 53 (8)
3. BYU 114 (22)
4. UTEP 116
5. New Mexico 120 (20)
6. Colorado St. 145
7. No. Arizona 176
(20 teams)
1.Jenny Barringer (Colorado) 20:29, 2.Cecily Lemmon (Brigham Young) 20:42, 3.Allie McLaughlin (Colorado) 20:46, 4.Risper Kimaiyo (UTEP) 20:47, 5.Lillian Badaru (Texas Tech) 20:52, 6.Caroline Karunde (TT) 20:58, 7.P.Biwott (TT) 21:08, 8.Pohl (NA) 21:09, 9.Tremblay (Colo) 21:12, 10.Hemphill (ColoSt) 21:17,
1. BYU* 54 (14)
2. Colorado* 55 (5)
3. New Mexico 77 (12)
4. No. Arizona 86 (4)
5. UTEP 158
6. Air Force 161
7. Utah State 171
(17 teams)
1.David McNeill (Northern Arizona) 29:52, 2.Miles Batty (Brigham Young) 30:04, 3.Jacob Kirwa (New Mexico) 30:18, 4.Jordan Kyle (Colorado) 30:25, 5.Justin Tner (Air Force) 30:30, 6.Medina (Colo) 30:33, 7.Fraser (NewMex) 30:36, 8.Ashkettle (NA) 30:36, 9.Nelson (BYU) 30:39, 10.Thompson (Colo) 30:41,
Franklin Park-Boston,Ma, 11-14, rain, muddy
1. Syracuse* 59 (10)
2. Providence* 70 (21)
3. Stony Brook 140
4. Iona 144
5. Harvard 149
6. Cornell 153
7. Boston Coll. 184
8. Columbia 210
(35 teams)
1.Katie Hursey (Syracuse) 21:57, 2.Shelby Greany (Providence) 22:08, 3.Anna Jorgensen (Iona) 22:08, 4.Catherine Desarte (Syr) 22:11, 5.Hannah Davidson (Prov) 22:15, 6.Kailyn Kuzmuk (Harvard) 22:25, 7.Jillian King (Boston Coll.) 22:27, 8.Richardson (Harvard) 22:28, 9.Conner (Maine) 22:29, 10.Twohig (Prov) 22:31,
1. Syracuse* 55 (11)
2. Iona* 59 (9)
3. Providence 78 (23)
4. Columbia 125
5. Dartmouth 135
6. Brown 172
7. Cornell 235
8. Binghamton 259
(36 teams)
1.Ryan Sheridan (Iona) 30:37, 2.Lee Carey (Providence) 30:37, 3.Daniel Chenoweth (Harvard) 31:04, 4.David McCarthy (Prov) 31:08, 5.Patrick Dupont (Syracuse) 31:10, 6.Soderberg (Iona) 31:11, 7.Erik Van Ingen (Binghamton) 31:17, 8.Scull (Syr) 31:18, 9.Edelman (Cornell) 31:18, 10.Escareno (Brown) 31:19,
EP Sawyer Park-Louisville,KY, 11-14
1. Will. & Mary* 49 (8)
2. No.Car.St.* 99 (16)
3. Louisville 121 (24)
4. Duke 131 (30)
5. Virginia 133 (19)
6. No.Carolina 204
7. Eastern Ky 218
(35 teams)
1.Sam Chelanga (Liberty) 29:32, 2.Wesley Ruttoh (Eastern Kentucky) 30:05, 3.Ryan Hill (No.Carolina St) 30:07, 4.Patterson Wilhelm (William & Mary) 30:08, 5.Jon Grey (Will&Mary) 30:09, 6.Evans Kigen (Liberty) 30:14, 7.Emil Heineking (Virginia) 30:17, 8.Thorne (Louisville) 30:24, 9.Leak (Will&Mary) 30:26, 10.Martinez (NCSt) 30:27,
1. Duke* 69 (15)
2. Virginia* 113 (19)
3. No.Car.St. 135
4. Will. & Mary 145
5. No. Carolina 167
6. Jas. Madison 225
7. Louisville 234
(35 teams)
1.Catherine White (Virginia) 20:04, 2.Janet Jesang (Western Kentucky) 20:13, 3.Tarah McKay (Louisville) 20:18, 4.Brittany Tinsley (No.Car.St.) 20:26, 5.Carly Seymour (Duke) 20:29, 6.Van Buskirk (Duke) 20:35, 7.Pritt (NCSt) 20:37, 8.Gay (Virginia) 20:40, 9.Parris (Jas.Madison) 20:42, 10.Bottorff (Duke) 20:44,
Bloomington,IN, 11-14
1. Wisconsin* 62 (10)
2. Michigan St* 128 (nr)
3. Ohio State 144 (28)
4. Indiana St 151 (nr)
5. But;er 160 (26)
6. Kent State 192
7. Notre Dame 205
8. Indiana 213
(30 teams)
1.Jeff See (Ohio St) 31:04, 2.Landon Peacock (Wisconsin) 31:09, 3.Mohammed Ahmed (Wisc) 31:09, 4.Andrew Poore (Indiana) 31:12, 5.Patrick Grosskopf (MichSt) 31:13, 6.Eric Schulz (Indiana St) 31:14, 7.Roeder (Butler) 31:14, 8.Baker (Butler) 31:20, 9.Walker (Notre Dame) 31:22, 10.Shields (Purdue) 31:23,
1. Notre Dame* 94 (nr)
2. Ohio State* 102 (nr)
3. Michigan 104 (23)
4. Indiana 105 (nr)
5. Michigan St. 121 (26)
6. Toledo 169
7. Purdue 228
8. Miami-Ohio 241
(32 teams)
1.Emily Macleod (Michigan St) 20:43, 2.Kaitlyn Peale (Michigan) 20:52, 3.Lindsey Ferguson (Notre Dame) 20:59, 4.Sarah Pease (Indiana) 21:02, 5.Jordan Jennewine (Ohio St) 21:04, 6.Robinson (Indiana) 21:08, 7.Alison Bishel (Ball State) 21:08, 8.Comfort (Wisconsin) 21:11, 9.Fisher (Toledo) 21:12, 10.Lizarribar (Kent State) 21:14,
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Larry Eder has had a 52-year involvement in the sport of athletics. Larry has experienced the sport as an athlete, coach, magazine publisher, and now, journalist and blogger. His first article, on Don Bowden, America's first sub-4 minute miler, was published in RW in 1983. Larry has published several magazines on athletics, from American Athletics to the U.S. version of Spikes magazine. He currently manages the content and marketing development of the RunningNetwork, The Shoe Addicts, and RunBlogRun. Of RunBlogRun, his daily pilgrimage with the sport, Larry says: "I have to admit, I love traveling to far away meets, writing about the sport I love, and the athletes I respect, for my readers at, the most of anything I have ever done, except, maybe running itself." Also does some updates for BBC Sports at key events, which he truly enjoys. Theme song: Greg Allman, " I'm no Angel."
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