We have extended Recovery one more week. Enjoy it, as so many schools are opening up midway during the week, and many will be closed due to snow and weather. Enjoy the last week and watch for some fun this coming week.
Talk about persistance! Karoline Grovdal finally won her first EA gold at Senior XC after five times on the podium, photo by European Athletics
Monday–an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
RunBlogRun Recovery Weeks, Week 4, Day 1
Monday–an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Tuesday-day off, or walk
Wednesday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Thursday-day off, or walk
Friday-an easy run, 30 minutes, 2 x 150 m stride outs, warm up and cool down
Saturday-a day off, consider a nice walk
Sunday-an easy, 45-50 minute run