The Stanford Invitational is one of the first West Coast meetings of the season. Many teams from the Midwest, East Coast, South, and West Coast come to Palo Alto, CA to get qualifying times and test their fitness.
I have watched many an event over the past two decades, from the Stanford Invite to the Payton Jordan Invite, to USATF Champs, to the 2019 Nike Pre Classic. All have been magnificent.
We have attached the complete results for Day 1 just below.
Enjoy the results.
Emil Zatopek’s racing spikes, 1952, cobbled by Adi Dassler, photo by adidas Communications
The 2022 Stanford Invitational Track & Field, April 1-2, 2022.
Day 1, complete results: StanfordInvite.Friday.compiled.pdf
Stanford Track & Field Facility Complex, photo courtesy of Beynon Surfacing