Emma Coburn is the American record holder at the steeplechase. She is also the Olympic bronze medalist from Rio in the steeplechase, where she ran a stirring battle in the hot and humid Olympic final. At the recent Running Event 16, Emma and Abby D’Agostino joined us to talk shoes. In this video, Emma speaks about the New Balance 880, the first shoe she ever tried at New Balance just over three and one half years ago. Emma continues to use the NB 880 as her go to shoe. Special thanks to Emma Coburn and Abbey D’Agostino, as well as Mary Lawton, Media Communications for New Balance, who set up the interviews. Thanks to the Shoe Addicts for always making me look good.
Abby D’Agostino, Larry Eder, and Emma Coburn, from The Shoe Addicts
We are The Shoe Addicts showing our love of Track and Field among many other sports. We make videos, we have fun doing it. Contact: shoeaddictsllc@gmail.com
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